Friday, April 3, 2009

 The Bridal Bar San Diego

$100 Nordstoms Gift Card
Short on spending money?  What girl isn't right now? CZ Events would love to put a little spending money in your pocket! Refer us to a friend that contracts for our services and we will happily return the favor by sending you a $100 gift card to Nordstroms! Do you know someone celebrating a significant birthday or anniversary?  Do you know someone getting engaged? Send us to them and we'll send you shopping!   
This offer good on event packages contraced by 5/31/09

Cynthia Zatkin Events
2324 Chalcedony Street
San Diego, California 92109

1 comment:

Dipped Fruit said...

hay- i have any other gift idea for brieds as well. Its affordable and unique and that is none other than
Dipped Fruit
. those are actully chocolete covered straberries and is jus 28$ a box. Must try them